At Hammock, we appreciate the way in which new media and approaches allow one to share stories in ways other than the traditional linear approach. We demonstrated this with our 2008 T-Shirt map, for example. So it comes as no surprise that we were intrigued and impressed with a digital project in the UK by book publisher Penguin called, “We Tell Stories.” The project features six authors sharing six short stories in six weeks. Each story is told using a different set of online tools and approaches — the same types of of tools and approaches we believe can help companies and associations effectively share their stories with customers, members and others.
For example, the story, “The 21 Steps” by Charles Cumming uses a Google Maps mashup to present a round-the-world story. And the story, “Slice” by Toby Litt uses two different blogging platforms (LiveJournal and WordPress) and Twitter.
Yes, we’re impressed. Perhaps not with the stories themselves, but with the experimentation taking place. And by a book publisher, no less.

The Custom Publishing Council (note: Hammock is a founding member) has just conducted a survey called, “Characteristics Study: A Look at the Volume and Type of Custom Publications in America” that indicates custom publishing is thriving. According to the survey, in 2007 a record number of marketers used custom publishing solutions to promote their products and brands – with impressive results. Other industry reports show that spending on alternative media jumped 22%, with more advertisers seeking out new channels. Custom publishing can be expected to grow even more in 2008 with the increase in Internet distribution of content and creative new media solutions.
[After the jump, view statistics and other highlights from the Custom Publications in America survey.]

The April/May issue of MyBusiness which we publish for NFIB is hitting homes this week. The focus is on NFIB’s ramped up efforts to reform small business health care. NFIB recently launched Solutions Start Here, an aggressive national campaign to ensure that legislators will keep small business in mind when discussing health care reform for the country. The feature article Solutions Start Here has more details on how small businesses can join the fight.
Also check out this issue’s MyBusiness Manual: The Essential Guide to Small Business Benefits for tips on how to attract top notch employees—and keep the ones you’ve got happy and loyal.
As always, this issue of MyBusiness is packed with tons of great tips, tricks and other must-read stories for small business owners, so head over to to take a look.