Here at Hammock the typical business day is anything but typical, especially around deadline time. As a small business ourselves, we felt some kinship when compared to the hectic days of the small-business owners we shadowed for our メDay in the Life of a Small-Business Ownerモ feature in the June/July 2007 issue of MyBusiness. The sheer energy and dedication exhibited by Caroline Geishecker and Mike Mitternight as they rise before the sun and work well into the night in order to ensure that their businesses run smoothly is exhausting even to read about.
But even long days at a tireless pace wonユt eliminate bumps in the small-business road. Issues like health care and tax relief can throw even the most committed entrepreneur for a loop. We asked five small-business owners how they confront the burdens of business ownership in the メHandle the Headachesモ featureムbecause we believe there’s no better avenue for advice than real people dealing with real challenges.
When including state political and legislative news inside MyBusiness became one of NFIBユs strategic goals, we worked together to make it happen with the June/July issue. For the first time, this issue featured 51 versions, one for each state (and don’t forget Washington, D.C.). Just another (long) day at the office!