I had a chance to catch the last 20 minutes of Rex’s “marketing track” presentation at Tuesday’s FOLIO Show in New York. (I hid in to the back to avoid notice; at last year’s FOLIO conference, Rex had a ball embarrassing Shannon and me.) In his session, “Managing a Creative Services Operation: From Ad Creation to Custom Publishing,” Rex zeroed in on strategic ways custom publishers can partner with clients to publish content that truly fulfills an organization’s mission. Whether that’s creating a blog that adds value to a magazine for an influential association, or creating inventive content that subtly and effectively promotes the goals of an esteemed genealogical society, custom publishers make it their business to make a client’s goals their own.
Rex also got some great questions from the crowd. My favorite: “How much time do you spend writing your blog every day?” Yea, no comment from me.
P.S. It was impressive to see all of Hammock’s magazines, Web sites and blogs onscreen–seeing them at somewhat of a distance reminds me why we should feel really proud of what we do.