By Rex Hammock, CEO
There are several fascinating conversations about how the pandemic will change something forever. After I heard one such conversation regarding Zoom, I wanted to share my opinion on the topic.
Here’s what I think.
Zoom will change nomadic workers and dispersed employees—a lasting change.
There will be countless ways people will be able to embarrass themselves via Zoom—so that will be a net negative for small virtual meetings.
But when it comes to large trade shows, sporting events and exhibitions: They will bounce back soon.
Conventions and major shows have reasons and business models that Zoom can’t fulfill.
Conventions are the live content part of any industry.
You can come to my hometown of Nashville, and you’ll see what I mean—big time.
Take away Zoom, and there will still be gigantic trade shows.
Major conventions—even minor-league ones—have become the Wall Street and Las Vegas of their industries, where everything new gets introduced.
All of these events and conventions are like super content marketing.
Conventions are often the central marketplace of an industry.
Think of the sponsorship economy. Trade shows generate billions of dollars from them.
Think of lifelong friendships.
Think of ideas pitched and startups funded.
All these things will keep trade shows trading.
Zoom may be able to replace lots of things.
But our global economy depends on live events to be the handshake.
And everybody who is anybody will be there.
For any industry in America, conferences are a community and a place to share knowledge.
Zoom and its competitors will serve vital purposes far into the future.
But like most business-consumer technology, Zoom will help us see the future, but it’s not going to BE the future.
Image: Getty Images
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