By John Lavey, CEO/President
Going to conferences in your industry can be an incredible opportunity, but what content assets and what kind of approach for using this content might help you derive the most value from your investment for in-person events?
Here are five tips to supercharge your event attendance with content that works. If you are at an event to present and/or attend as an exhibitor, here’s how to enhance your team’s expertise with sales enablement content:
- Create an e-book that helps tell your story in a highly relevant way that addresses your customers and what they are facing right now. Hitting some of the themes of the show is an outstanding way to frame this content.
- Ensure the content specifically addresses pain points and show examples of how you’ve solved that pain for customers like those in attendance.
- Distribute in print form (yes, that’s still relevant to some) and provide access to a landing page for attendees to access the content you’ve created, with an opportunity to provide a way for them to learn more about your solution.
- If you are presenting, you also want to specifically address the pain points faced by your audience and show what a solution looks like. You would marry up your presentation with the same content you are sharing on the exhibit floor.
- Presentations, any collateral and signage at your booth should have a QR code to drive them to your site for a personalized experience.
Don’t think about the content you are sharing as a leave-behind. Think about it as helping your customers with their pain points, showing examples of what success looks like, and making it easy for them to continue in their journey to a solution, with you by their side.
Image: Getty Images
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