Hammock creates innovative multimedia
post-event supplement with video
Every two years the National Federation of Independent Business holds its National Small Business Summit in Washington, D.C. The event brings together America’s most politically active entrepreneurs as well as key congressional and business leaders.
In 2008, NFIB turned to Hammock to help solve two of their post-Summit needs: 1) Provide members who did not attend the Summit highlights of the event beyond the traditional few pages of coverage in MyBusiness, NFIB’s member magazine, and 2.) Generate additional advertising revenue. To meet these goals, Hammock worked with NFIB to create and distribute a special, multimedia, digital edition supplement of MyBusiness covering the highlights of the Small Business Summit.
NFIB and Sam’s Club partnered to bring members the special digital edition. Highlights of the issue include five custom videos featuring speaker Senator John McCain and several Summit attendees as well as a special message and offer from Sam’s Club. The content of the special edition celebrates the event—affirming the value for those who attended and encouraging others not to miss it next time. The issue reached more than 1 million small business owners across the country.