This agreement covers your usage of and the words, images and files we post here. When you access or visit our site, read the words, or otherwise use this information, you agree to be governed by the terms of this agreement.

Where the Hammock Inc. Website Is

First, please note that when we say “” or the “site” or the “website” or “our blogs,” all of those terms refer to this website. You will know you are on the Hammock Inc. website by referring to the Hammock logo in the top-left corner of the page, and a link to this agreement on the footer of the page. In most cases you will also see the domain in your browser’s address bar. If you do not see the logo or a link to this agreement, or the domain, but you see other reference to Hammock Inc. or to our work, you may still be on the Hammock Inc. site, and you should consider the terms of this agreement to govern your use of the work you see.

Information We Collect From You

When you visit, our web servers may capture data from your computer, including words you type into our search box, comments and demographic information you submit to our website, your IP address, your browser and computer configuration, and other data useful to us as we determine the best way to provide our services.

Whose Information We Collect

You warrant that you are 13 years old or older when you submit any personal or contact information to our website.

What We Do With the Information

Information submitted to is handled in the following ways.

Search Box

When you submit a search term in our search box, that word is not associated with you personally. We may analyze and evaulate in the aggregate terms that are submitted into our search box, however.


When you type in or click on a URL that is part of the Hammock site, we capture that information and we may analyze and evaluate in the aggregate the URLs that people visit on our site. However, your URLs and clicks will not be personally associated with you.

IP Address, Computer Information and Configuration

While these are potentially personally identifying pieces of information, we do not use them to identify individuals, but rather, we evaluate them in the aggregate.

Email Address, Address, Name, Personal Information, Comments

When you submit personally identifying information to a form on, such as your email address, your name, your address, your URL, phone, comments or any other personal information, you acknowledge that you are voluntarily sharing your information with us. You agree that at some point in the future, we may use this information to contact you. Typically we would do this to say, Hey, there’s a problem with your comment; can we help? Or to say, Here’s our monthly email newsletter. We may also use this kind of contact and personal information in other ways, but you will always know when we use your information, and we will always offer you a way to stop receiving any communications from us in the future. We will NEVER sell, rent or share your personal contact information. Please refer to our privacy policy, which is considered part of this Terms of Service agreement, for more detailed information on data that we collect about you and what we do with it.

If We Are Subpeonaed

While Hammock Inc. will never share, sell or rent your personal information, we are forced to comply with any legal orders or subpeonas to turn over data that may be required in a legal investigation. We will comply with such requests that we receive from law enforcement officials. Your personal contact information may be turned over to law enforcement authorities even if you are not the subject of a subpeona, depending on what the specific legal order requests.


The work you see here on comes from several sources. As such, there are different things you can do with this work, depending on where it comes from.

Blog Posts and Other Words on

The words written for our blogs [Custom Media Craft, Hammorati, Team Hammock, and individual employee blogs or “people pages”] and all other pages of are all copyright Hammock Inc. We encourage you to read this site, including our blogs, to link to the pages of this site from your commercial or personal website, and to quote from this site and our blogs on your commercial or personal website. When you link to or quote from our site, including our blogs, we request that you attribute our statements to us and link back to, whether the site home page, or to the individual page or blog post you are quoting. If you would like to link to, quote from or reuse words we have written here on other digital or print media, please contact us first.

Art – Images and Files – in Blog Posts

The art, including images and audio and video files, in our blog posts comes from a variety of sources. In each case, we are only posting art that we know we have the copyright to use, but we cannot always grant you the copyright to reuse the artwork on our blog posts on your commercial or personal website, or on other digital or print media you may control. If you are interested in reusing or displaying art that we display on one of our blog posts, please contact us first.

Art – Images and Files – on Other Parts of

The art, including images and audio and video files, displayed throughout, in particular but not limited to the art in our portfolio section, consists of magazines, websites, videos, audio files and other media properties that we have produced for our clients, in most cases. These images and files are copyright-protected and may not be reused without permission, and many of them may not be reused at all.

RSS Feeds

Our site offers subscriptions to several RSS feeds, including feeds of site updates, feeds of our blog posts, feeds of links we like, and of our images and videos. These RSS feeds are considered part of but there are also special provisions of our agreement that relate specifically to them.

Art in RSS Feeds

RSS or other subscription services [including email subscriptions you may have with us] involving our art, including images, video and audio files, are for your personal use, including for your professional educational use. Even though we share our art via RSS, we cannot and do not grant permission for you to reuse this art in your commercial website, via email, or in other digital or print media, and we do not grant permission for you to reuse our art in any way for your commercial gain.

Words in RSS Feeds

When you receive our words via an RSS feed, you should treat them exactly as you do when you see them on our site: We are glad for you to quote from our writing, as long as you link back to us and provide us with credit. You may use any of our words-only feeds [Custom Media Craft, Hammorati, Team Hammock and Hammock Updates] to create a widget, badge or other code to post on your commercial or personal site, as long as the words or headlines displayed in that widget, badge or code link back to our site and clearly credit Hammock Inc. with the copyright. From time to time, we may also offer a badge, widget or code that would allow you to display our words, headlines and links on your commercial or personal website.

Links to Other Sites

Links to websites other than those owned by Hammock Inc. are offered as a service. We did not build sites we don’t own and we are not responsible for their content or reliability.

No Warranty or Guarantee

Whether you build code based on our RSS feeds, or whether you use code that we offer here to display our RSS feeds, no warranty or guarantee is made by Hammock related to the content of such feeds, nor do we warranty or guarantee that they will be reliable or that they will always be available [though we certainly intend for them to be]. We do not guarantee that any code or RSS feed available on will be compatible with your site or digital media, nor do we accept any liability or responsibility for any negative effects such code, or the content it conveys, will have on your commercial or personal site or your business.

Right to Discontinue

Hammock Inc. maintains our right to discontinue any service or information provided on at any time. We might remove pages, images and files, or move them to another location, with or without warning to site visitors.

You Agree to Hold Us Harmless

In addition to the above provisions, when you use this site, or our RSS feeds or other digital media offered by Hammock Inc., you agree that we are not responsible for any harm that should come to your website, your computer or other media device, nor to your personal or commercial interests, as a result of using this site or our RSS feeds. You agree that you will abide by the copyright restrictions on content [words, images, audio, video, code and any other content] detailed above and that you will abide by the laws of the United States of America, and of any other country’s laws to which you might be subject, in using this site. You agree that we are not responsible for, and you indemnify us against, any claims resulting from your misuse or illegal use of content on

We May Change This Agreement

From time to time we may change this agreement. We may change it for any reason, including but not limited to adding or removing services and updating the agreement to comply with current law. You agree that the agreement in force is always the one posted on our website, and we will update our agreement on this page on whenever there is a new agreement.

If Part of This Agreement Is Found to Be Invalid

When you use, you agree that if part of this Terms of Use document is later found to be invalid in a court of law, that the rest of the document remains in force.

If We Have a Legal Dispute

When you use, you also agree that this agreement and your use of the site are governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee. If you have a dispute with Hammock Inc. related to any part of this website or to this Terms of Use agreement, and we cannot reach a satisfactory resolution, that any legal disputes will be filed and handled in the federal or state courts in Davidson County, Tennessee, United States.

This Is the Whole Agreement

You agree that this terms of use statement and the privacy policy related to it are the entire agreement between you and Hammock Inc. related to this website.