Are you born an entrepreneur, or do you become one? That’s the question debated in the cover story of the Dec./Jan. issue of MyBusiness, the magazine Hammock publishes for the National Federation of Independent Business. Researchers at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management recently found a strong connection between entrepreneurialism and genetics. But the small-business owners in this story say genes aren’t the strongest indicators of business success. Hard work, a willingness to take risks and a whole lot of passion for what you do ultimately influence whether you make it.
Regardless of your genetic makeup, once you’re in business for yourself, life can be stressful. That’s why our inspiring story about how to cope with some of life’s most difficult moments speaks to anyone. Faced with financial, emotional and physical set backs, the business owners we profiled dug deep and found the courage to keep themselves–and their businesses–going.
Check out these stories and more in the latest issue, including a staff favorite on how one Florida teenager earns a (sizable) living teaching others to play video games.