Everyone at Hammock Publishing knows what today is. Listed on the company calendar, among the various meetings and we all have today, is this: International Talk Like a Pirate Day. (Yeah, we have a huge Jack Sparrow fan in the office.)
In celebration, we’re taking a few minutes to bring out the swashbucklers in us. I’m not feeling well today, but it hasn’t stopped me from exclaiming the occasional “Aargh!”
Not the least bit surprising, Bill Hudgins, one of Hammock’s editorial directors, is really getting into it. I sent him an e-mail earlier and got this in response: “Arrr, poppet, then ye are doomed!” Thanks, Bill.
Jamie Roberts, the aforementioned Jack Sparrow fan and another one of our editorial directors, says she’s too busy for a proper celebration, but did manage to find the time to figure out what her pirate name would be. “It’s Red Jenny Rackhamノpassion is a big part of my life,” she says.
As for Production Director Barbara Mathieson, well, she asked if she could sail away with Johnny Depp. I told her she’d have to ask Johnny Depp. And her husband, probably.
Finally, Editorial Director Laura Creekmore, who’s never one to not say something, had this to say: “I dislike made up holidays. I’m also not fond of non-Irish people who celebrate St. Patrick’s day or non-Mexican people who celebrate Cinco de Mayo, particularly since no one seems to know the true meaning of the day and seems to think it’s Mexican Independence Day, which it’s not. I think that’s Sept. 16th, right?”
A simple ‘Aargh!’ would have done just fine, Laura.
So there you have it. From our office (except Laura Creekmore, apparently) to yours, have a happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day!