By John Lavey | Hammock President and COO
Wisdom isn’t a word used a lot in marketing. But we need more of it to solve our challenges.
Most clients we work with have a full plate of responsibilities, along with a bewildering number of options for partners and data from a number of platforms. The environment in which they are operating has a lot of noise, but not always enough signals for what direction to head.
Wisdom is critical when it comes to this set of challenges. Experience, knowledge and good judgment—how wisdom is defined—are critical to help you sort through the many choices you face. Whether you have it yourself or need a partner to provide wisdom, you can’t ignore it.
For our company, more than 30 years in business has taught us lessons that we can bring to bear when working with our clients while passing along some wisdom along the way. Some of the most important lessons are in knowing the limits of what we can do ourselves.
As marketing tools and platforms develop at lightning speed, or as the need for specific subject matter expertise arises, we view it as a greater value to bring in experts to help us serve our clients. That’s why we worked with more than 100 contractors in 2020. We maintain a focus on solving client problems with the marketing content we create, across the customer journey.
The need for help is also what brings our clients to us, to allow us to help them solve challenges that experience shows can’t be solved internally. Our clients find that the challenges require a team too specialized, and a process and platform too specific, to handle internally. We aren’t totally objective, but we think that’s a wise decision.
Takeaway: The world of healthcare marketing is particularly complex, and a partner with wisdom might be what you need to solve the challenges you face in 2021.
Image: Getty Images
About Hammock Healthcare Idea Email | This post is part of Hammock’s award-winning Idea Email series. Idea Emails are sent every other week and share one insightful marketing idea. Idea Email comes in two flavors: Original and Healthcare. To subscribe to the original Idea Email (general marketing ideas), click here. To subscribe to the Healthcare Idea Email (healthcare marketing ideas), click here.